Monday, February 15, 2010

Student Attributes

What makes a good student? What attibutes help them succeed?

Check out the Student Attributes for Math Success from the Transition Mathematics Project:

1. Students must demonstrate intellectual engagement;

2. Take responsibility for one's own learning;

3. Persevere when faced with time-consuming or complex tasks; and

4. Pay attention to details.

All of these attributes are clearly evident in the students who succeed in our program! The trick is in how we help new students develop them.

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Welcome to I-BEST Welding. I'm an I-BEST Facilitator and instructor for a welding program in WA state. I love math, teaching, problem solving, and working with students.

I-BEST or Integrated Basic Education and Skills Training is a fairly new program of which we are having a lot of success. I am in the welding program for 50% of the welding class, co teach with the welding instructor, and help all of the students (I-BEST and non I-BEST) with assignments. I also teach a one hour basic skills support class each day, where students review arithmetic and reading and English strategies. Though I-BEST was intended for ABE and ESL students, the majority of my students are dislocated workers who have been out of school for 10 - 30+ years.

I spend a lot of time helping students find ways to be successful in the rigorous welding program where math proficiency is a must! We review math throughout the year, and students must be able to do fractions, decimals, geometry, and right angle trigonometry without fault. Students also do a lot of reading, internet research and writing for their homework assignments. I have run study groups, homework groups, and have done a lot of individual tutoring. I also work in the shop, helping 1st quarter students with general problem solving as it relates to their welding shop assignments.

The plan here is to share some of my curriculum, observations and tips. I'm continually revising what I do and there are always new things to learn. It's nice to have a place to jot down these ideas. Feel free to use whatever you may find helpful, and please send me your ideas as it relates to welding and basic skills education.



About Me

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Aberdeen, WA, United States
I-BEST Instructor in Welding Grays Harbor College